Watching All The Stuff

My friend showed me this new website.  Well, considering I had never seen anything like it before, I was pretty amused.  So, the website basically looks at which website you want and captures designs of it, and then it lets you know if anything has changed.  So like, if you want to know if anyone makes changes to their website, this program will do it for you.  So I was trying to think of why you would want to do this.  I mean, there are a of things you might want to use it for, but the main ones I thought of were like if you wanted to see if your competitors were modifying anything.

Like, I know that people who own businesses want to know what other people in the field are doing but they probably don’t want to rest all day waiting to see what they are going to do.  So this website will just be like hey, click, they made a change, and then they email you to tell you.

That’s pretty awesome.

So what else could you use it for?

Then I was thinking something like if there is some official information somewhere, like who is hosting a gathering.  What’s more important I think is the concern of privacy.

I mean, everyone is looking at your website nevertheless, but if you want people seeing exactly what you’re doing.  I don’t comprehend there’s a problem with this but I think some people might.  What if they don’t want anyone to know they said something?  What if you desired to make a change and didn’t want anyone to know about it, but then this website is like hey look what they did!  I guess I could see some people having a problem with that.  I’m not sure.  When you ask around even I bet most people don’t even know this exists.  So it’s only used by a few people.  Most people probably wouldn’t care if people were recording their changes, in fact, most people probably want users to see the changes they make; that’s why they’re making the changes in the first place  Except for the aforementioned scenario when they do not want the person to, I think people won’t really care.  My manager might like something like this, he’s always doing crazy stuff online and would probably make a reason to need a program like this to see when something changes.  There is a day I have to go to work soon so likely I’ll detail it to him then.  That’s probably the kind of thing he would use so I don’t know if he knows this exists but I guess we will see.


Let me start off by saying that I never win anything. I play the occasional scratch-off lottery ticket and am lucky to get my money back. I get into office football pools and nothing. I might as well have taken that money and set it on fire. I went to a casino once with my friends Justin and Mark and was the poster boy for the house always coming out ahead. I think you can probably imagine where all of this is going. I’m going to tell you about another bad beat story or I’m going to tell you the tides finally changed in my favor. Thankfully for me it is the latter.  

I don’t listen to the radio much these days. I tend to stream music from my phone or listen to a CD. If I am listening to the radio it is usually to AM sports talk. I am not a fan of any of my hometown sport teams but I do enjoy listening to the local guys talk about them. For whatever reason the other day I decided to turn on the alternative music station. They were playing a Sublime song I’ve probably heard 200 times in my life and I almost changed it but left it on. The DJ then came on to announce they were about to give away $1,000 in the next 7 minutes. My interest was piqued so I left it on and suffered through a Bush song that was popular when I was in high school over 20 years ago.

The DJ came back on and gave out a keyword that you had to text to a certain number. I was almost to where I was going and they said you had 20 minutes to text so I waited until I got to my destination and sent the text off. The keyword by the way was CASH in case you were wondering what it was. I then got a confirmation reply saying I was entered to win the $1,000 and the winner would be called within the hour. I didn’t think about it too much and put my phone in my pocket and went into Target. I was there to get some groceries (this was a Super Target) and some cleaning supplies. I was in there for about 45 minutes and just got done putting my bags in my car when my phone rang. I had actually forgotten about the contest by then and was expecting it to be one of my friends or my Mom. I got my phone out of my pocket and the caller ID was a number that I didn’t recognize. I almost didn’t accept it as I do get the occasional spam call like everyone else but did answer it. The caller announced themselves as the DJ from that station and asked who they were talking to. I still didn’t know that I had won. I told them my name and they said congratulations I had just won $1,000!

I was in shock. The DJ asked me what I planned on doing with the money and I didn’t know what to say at first. I eventually spurted out that I was going to pay some bills with it. How exciting right? I didn’t know it at the time but I was also on the air. After they got all my information I then got a call from Justin telling me he heard me on the radio. He jokingly asked if he could borrow $250. I still can’t believe that I won. I am supposed to get the money from them sometime next week. I am going to pay some bills with it but I also plan on having some fun with it too.

Getting Out More

sellHave you ever seen those documentaries on TV where they go somewhere and talk about what the people there do? I saw some people surfing on TV and it looked like something I would really like to try. The only issue though is that I have never surfed before so I don’t even know what I would do if I wanted to try it. Is it the kind of thing where you can just go somewhere and rent the stuff you’d need and try it? Or I bet they actually can give you lessons. Because it doesn’t seem like something you would want to just go and do.

My friend was actually telling me about this place he saw in Costa Rica where they will teach you how to surf. It’s part of a package where you go there and get some teaching and then you can also hang out there and check out the area and all of that, and I would love to do that if I had some people who would go with me but i answered my friend’s request to go with him on a trip this year so I don’t think I’ll be able to do both. However, it’s definitely something to consider because it seems like it would be a lot of fun. Not to mention, it would give me a chance to go somewhere I’ve never been before, and it would be a definite difference compared with where I live.

The other thing I would like to try while we are on the subject is driving a motorcycle. I see people riding them all the time but I haven’t ever done it and although I am familiar with how they work (i read about it online), I haven’t ever actually done it so it’s one of those things that I’d probably need to practice and wouldn’t just be able to get it immediately. My mother says she doesn’t want me to get a motorcycle but she’s just being a mom, and I bet if I got one she would want me to show it to her. I also think that I’m going to see if there is anything I can learn about what kind of bikes would be the best to learn on since i don’ t need to start on some high powered bike that would just be too much. So those are the plans I am considering doing.

Exploring New Places

So my significant other and I went out last night to the bar. I’m kinda new to Lisbon so I didn’t know anyone there. I have met her friend Julia and Carlos before but only once. Well we were talking for a bit and then she started talking about how much she used to get smashed with all her friends at the bar we were at and all the stupid stuff we’ve all done… basically about her past.

For some stupid  reason I had a problem with it last night. A big problem with it. I didn’t want to hear it or picture her like that last night. It ended up in me unintentionally ignoring her which really pissed her off and we got into a huge fight.

Now I’ve known about her past since we met and we’ve even talked about it, and laughed about each others past. I’m 30, she’s 28 by the way. For some reason it’s really started to bother me. I don’t know why because it makes me very hypocritical. Before we met I went to the bar and got pretty drunk almost every night. She’s very much helped me break that and I haven’t been doing it for some time. However it just irritated the me to no end.

Anyway, what the hell? I’ve never really been like this. It’s like I’m jealous or something. Or hell, just am? How the heck do I get over this because it’s gonna ruin our relationship and I love this girl like crazy. She’s really the only person I’ve ever been able to picture marrying.

My friend said maybe I’m just jealous that she has people to connect with and relate to in Lisbon, and I don’t? He thinks it sounds like a dumb reason to get jealous unless it’s something that she still does.  He might be right but it seems like it might be another issue.

When I notice you’re getting upset about something, stop and ask myself why it upsets you. If it was just the two of us at the bar and she was telling me about all the times she got smashed here when she was younger, would I still have been mad?

Unfortunately it’s hard for anyone to say how to fix it if I’m not even sure why it bothers me. Was this a one off thing, or do I  get upset over trivial matters on a regular basis?

Sometimes I don’t even know!

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